Monday, December 5, 2011

Speaking (New Page)

Dear Readers,
I have constructed a new page. A page for Speaking (MUET 800/2 Paper).  As you can see on top of this blog there are what we call tabs.  Tabs (or buttons) for "Home", "Syllabus", "Glossary" ... and of course "Speaking".  If you click on the "Speaking" tab you will be taken to the speaking page.  There you can see some Speaking 800/2 questions taken from the real past years' MUET  test papers.

From time to time I shall be adding more exam questions for you to browse through and practise  with.  You may get some ideas as to how the questions look like.  You can access the page by clicking the tab above or right HERE.

The following is an extract of the Speaking page and there is more to come.  Happy  reading!

Extracted From Past Years' Speaking Papers: 

Here are some of the past years' MUET Speaking 800/2 examination "question" for your reference. It may be interesting for the readers to see how the questions look like. In case you would like to have a look and see how the situations are worded and what kinds of situations are given. I am using the word "situation" as the Speaking tasks instructions are made based on certain "situations" given.

There are two tasks: Task A and Task B.
Task A is individual presentation and Task B is group discussion.
You will be given two minutes to prepare for task A and two minutes for your presentation.
You will be given two minutes to prepare for task B and two minutes for the group discussion.

Example: (taken from the "End 2009" Speaking paper)

Candidate A

What do you think affects the reputation of a family? Give your view.

Task A:
You believe the behaviour of family members can affect the reputation of a family. Elaborate.

Cand. B:  Income levels of family members
Cand. C:  Education levels of family members
Cand. D:  Occupation of family members

Task B:  Which of the following is the most important factor that can affect the reputation of a family?

Cand. B:  Behaviour of family members
Cand. B:  Income levels of family members
Cand. C:  Education levels of family members
Cand. D:  Occupation of family members

(still under construction, in the days to come you may be able to see what is coming!)