One of the requirements in MUET is that candidates have to show "mature treatment of topic" ...
Whether it be Speaking 800/2 or Reading 800/3 or Writing 800/3. This is directly related to your mastery of English - how much vocabulary do you have?
Does your vocabulary match the required standard (University/pre-University command of English)?
Whether it be Speaking 800/2 or Reading 800/3 or Writing 800/3. This is directly related to your mastery of English - how much vocabulary do you have?
Does your vocabulary match the required standard (University/pre-University command of English)?
So, if your vocabulary is a form two student's standard how can you maneuver your way through the standard of English in MUET (pre-University & University standard)? Well, what we get is a form two student's ideas - as your ideas are limited by the words that you have in your brains. You have big ideas but you do not have the words for it. Can you get it across to people the way that you want it to delivered - in that target language (in "university standard" English)?
This piece of thought is worthy of your attention.
Practice MORE - Listen more, speak more, read more & write more.
This piece of thought is worthy of your attention.
Practice MORE - Listen more, speak more, read more & write more.